June 3, 2018

Microservices is more than just an architecture

DevOps is culture and not methodology! For the scope of this post, I do not plan to defend or say against the statement. But will be brave to claim that practice and patterns by which software teams (also organizations) are built/organized, it certainly does impact the culture of the team and individuals in the team.

Also, weather given practice would work for team or not also depends upon prevailing culture of the team.

Those agreeing to above two, and have pass-through adoption of Microservices in their software architecture, would likely to agree that making people accountable or have them convinced to take ownership of either a software service or any other area is easier than the teams having hard time adopting to Microservices architecture.

Those individuals and teams who understands Microservices architecture well, more likely to say “yes” for the question “Can you please own this”.

And I strongly believe that in this equation it’s not only a=b but also b=a. That is, if individual understand importance of taking ownership, she likely would understand and adopt Microservices easier than others.

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